
“Great oaks from little acorns grow.”
14th century proverb


Wellbeing in British boarding schools

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Young people’s physical and mental health and wellbeing are in the spotlight a great deal at the best of times, perhaps never more so than at this time of year while they are sitting exams. With boarding schools being in loco parentis, the onus is on them to ensure their…

Queen Margaret’s wins national boarding innovation award

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Earlier this month Queen Margaret’s School received the Boarding Schools Association’s 2018 Boarding Innovation Award, in recognition of the ‘Community Weekends’ that were introduced last September.As the only all girls’ full boarding school in the north of England, one of QM’s…

British boarding school sports academies

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Culford School has recently announced a new Football Academy, which promises to combine a first-class education with a passion for football. Hoping to emulate the success of this English boarding school’s existing tennis and golf academies, this new initiative will be delivered…

Summer schools as boarding tasters

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As spring gradually transforms into summer here in the UK, some of the British boarding schools we work with look to their own transformation during the long summer holiday, when they offer English language courses to short stay students.These courses aren’t just an ideal way to…

Bede’s bespoke 6th Form programme

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The latest newsletter from Bede’s, a British boarding school in the south east of England, includes a feature about its diploma programme, which we thought would make an interesting addition to our blog.The external qualifications offered in Bede’s Sixth Form are A Level, Pre-U…

Breadth of achievements at Strathallan

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It is always hard to pick out one British boarding school’s news and achievements over the rest, but a recent update from Strathallan School in Scotland caught the eye for the sheer breadth of achievements in the spotlight; it really was a shining example of all that is great…

Warminster School’s annual Curriculum Enrichment Day

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Each year Warminster School, an English boarding school in Wiltshire, holds a Curriculum Enrichment Day (CED), which takes learning out of the classroom, crosses subject boundaries and combines the talents of students from years 7 to 13, as they work together within their House…

Ellesmere College’s MUN delegation

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Model United Nations (MUN) is an extra-curricular activity in which more than 400,000 people from schools, universities and beyond participate each year. Lots of the schools we recommend have delegations that get involved, both within school and at conferences further afield.…

An overview of enrichment at St Swithun’s

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St Swithun’s is a highly regarded girls’ day and boarding school in Winchester in the south of England. Its pupils benefit from a broad curriculum that promotes individual choice, so they can fulfil their intellectual, physical and creative potential. In addition, right from the…

CCF honour for Wellington School pupil

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The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is a Ministry of Defence sponsored youth organisation in the United Kingdom. Each CCF is an educational partnership between a school and the Ministry of Defence, and may include Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army or Royal Air Force sections.Many of…