
“Great oaks from little acorns grow.”
14th century proverb

  • Impact of Brexit | Dickinson School Consulting

Impact of Brexit

“I would like to provide my reassurances that there is no limit on the number of international students who can come to study in the UK, and no intention to impose one.”

Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP (UK Home Secretary)

With the impending exit of the UK from the European Union (Brexit) on 29 March 2019, it would be quite reasonable for international families considering British boarding schools to wonder what all this will mean for them. Will their child still be able to come to the UK? How long for? Will a visa be required?

With this in mind, we sought guidance from the British Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, and recently received a response. In his letter to us he highlighted that the UK and EU have reached an agreement regarding the terms of the Brexit implementation period up to 31 December 2020, and confirmed that during this period EU citizens will be able to live, work and study in the UK as they can now.

EU students coming to boarding schools in the UK beyond that date will be subject to as yet unpublished post-Brexit immigration rules. While this does create some longer-term uncertainty, it is highly likely that at worst these new rules will simply increase the red tape involved in coming to school in the UK.

We at Dickinson School Consulting will continue to stay abreast of developments and will publish further blog entries where we feel this will help international families considering boarding schools in the UK.

Please be assured that the contribution of international students to the UK independent schools sector is well understood and highly valued, and as the above quote from the Home Secretary’s letter clearly shows, families of international students can be confident that they will be welcome in British schools for many years to come.